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6 Fabulous Things About Sexual Intercourse

Sex, no doubt, it is enjoyed by all couples. Sex is not only a necessity, but also can provide many health benefits, especially for men. Researchers uncover several health benefits that can be obtained men with sexual intercourse.

Curious? Here comes six reasons why men should be more diligent to make love, as reported by Health Site (15/05/14).

1. One form of exercise
Researchers at the University of Quebec, Canada, found that sexual activity is more effective to burn calories compared to regular exercise. They found that men burn about 4.2 calories per minute when making love. It's as big as when a man cycling or playing tennis. In addition, of course, have sex more enjoyable than having to walk on the treadmill instead?

2. Make happy
The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Colorado found that men happier when more frequent sex. Men who have sex two to three times a month had a 33 percent rate of greater happiness than men who did not have sex within 12 months. While men who have sex once a week had a 44 percent level of higher happiness!

3. Enhance immunity
Boost immunity is certainly important to prevent the disease. Sex can help you in this regard. A study from Wilkes University, Pennsylvania, found that men who have sex regularly with a partner have immunity levels 30 percent higher than those who do not have sex regularly. It can help men prevent colds, flu, and other diseases.

4. Lowering blood pressure
There is a significant link between sex and blood pressure. Joseph J Pinzone, CEO and medical director of Amai Wellness reveal that many studies have found links between the two. Sex is known to lower blood pressure. For men who are affected by high blood pressure, this could be one fun way to control your blood pressure.

5. Improving the quality of sleep
Endorphins are produced when the body's sexual activity not only makes sex feel more exciting and fun, but also can improve sleep quality. Endorphins will help him sleep well and avoid insomnia. In addition, when making love body also secretes hormones prolactin which makes getting quality sleep.

6. Make smarter
Does sex make people smarter, or people who are more intelligent tend to want more frequent sex? It is difficult to answer. However, researchers in Melbourne found that people who have high intelligence tend to have a high libido as well. Researchers also found that sex can improve brain performance and increase the production of neurons in the hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with memory.

Those are some benefits that can be obtained men with sex. Never again see sex as a sheer pleasure, because the fact of sex is also beneficial for your health.
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