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Five Causes Vaginal Being Dry

Under normal circumstances, the vagina will feel more wet due to natural lubrication when a woman gets stimuli, such as foreplay. The lubrication serves to facilitate the penetration of the penis and create a vagina area slightly slicker, reducing the risk of pain and discomfort in the vagina during intercourse.

In some women, lubrication should happen in the vagina can be a very difficult thing. Foreplaysudah done, but the vagina remains in dry conditions, and when forced to have sex, it will pain experienced by women because the vaginal area is not coated with a natural lubricant. If you are experiencing this problem, it could be five things is responsible.

1. Hormone Changes

One of the main factors and the most frequent cause vaginal dryness is a decrease in estrogen levels during menopause, during pregnancy or during lactation. Cancer treatment with chemotherapy and radiation in the pelvis may also lower levels of estrogen and decreased vaginal lubrication.

2. Drugs

Allergic reactions to drugs containing antihistamines as well as asthma medications, have a conditioning effect in the body. So that the side effects that usually arises is reduced lubrication of the vagina.

3. Less Pumped

In some cases, vaginal dryness can be caused by a low female libido or sexual problems with their partner. "If the performance is bad and the couple often experience premature ejaculation, then it can make women experience vaginal dryness," says Irwin Goldstein, a director of Sexual Medicine at Alvarado Hospital, California.

4. Product Irritation

Be careful when using cleaning products vagina. Some women report that they suffer from allergies and adverse reactions after using chemical soaps, vaginal hygiene products promising, special wipes femininity and perfume. "Many women who suffer from allergies due to liquid cleansers and soaps," said Dr. Goldstein, "nevertheless the same thing happens if wearing underwear or a towel," Therefore, you shall wash pantiesdan towel before using.

5. Anxiety

Do not underestimate the psychological and emotional factors such as stress and anxiety. Things that seem trivial it could be catastrophic on your sexual desire and cause dryness in the vagina during lubrication occurs. "When a woman is experiencing anxiety, it affects the blood flow in the body, so that the woman will experience drought when lubrikasim", said Dr. Goldstein. So forget for a moment of anxiety when your partner has been given a code to get into the room immediately. Have fun!
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