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5 Facts About Vibrator

Vibrator is one sex toy or sex aids which vibrates and is usually used by women. There are many types and forms of vibrator that can be selected according to taste. Here are five things you need to know about vibrators as quoted from Tango (28/04).

Vibrator good for you
Vibrator regarded as a sex toy is good for you, because you can have an orgasm without sex. The study even proved that women who use vibrators more often check the state of intimate areas to medical experts. Thus the health of your vagina more controlled cleanliness and health.

Men do not hate vibrator
Many suspect that the men hated sex toy this one, but they are not. Because a study showed that most men often reward partner vibrator.

Vibrator can get dirty
Vibrator frequently or infrequently used can also be dirty because of dust or various other things. So, do not be lazy to clean the sex toy yours for the sake of your own health.

Vibrator can be damaged
Just like other inanimate objects, a vibrator can be damaged depending on the brand, how to use, and how to treat them. So do not think the vibrator is a unique item that can withstand many years.

Facts about vibrators
Research shows that women who use vibrators experiencing higher sexual satisfaction when having sex. Therefore you do not have to worry about using a vibrator assumption can reduce sexual desire because it is totally untrue.

Some people may still think the vibrator is a taboo and do not need to be owned. But if you are curious and want to try it, just do it!
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