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Oral Sex Can Overcome Nausea During Pregnancy

Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting in the morning is often experienced by pregnant women in the early months of pregnancy. This normal phenomenon sometimes makes pregnant women no appetite, weakness even hospitalized. There are several ways to overcome nausea during pregnancy, one of them .. rather strange and unpredictable, ie with oral sex.

Reporting from website, Gordon Gallup, a psychologist from SUNY-Albany has a theory that the cause of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting are the body's rejection of the 'foreign body'. Foreign object in question is a fetus that has a precursor of sperm. This rejection is a natural mechanism, such as when you have food poisoning, you'll nausea and vomiting so that the body does not absorb the toxins.

The female body has a natural mechanism the same during pregnancy. Therefore, Gordon Gallup considers that the antidote can help the body build up tolerance. Bidder in question is swallowing sperm that can be done by way of oral sex. Rather implausible, because this idea is almost never recommended by doctors. A rather 'strange' is still a draft and has not been scientifically tested.

Nevertheless, the theory of the body's rejection on 'foreign objects' is quite interesting. Usually the woman will experience severe morning sickness in the first pregnancy, but is reduced when the next pregnancy if a baby of the same husband. This happens because the body is to build tolerance to the foreign object the same material, so it does not arise rejection with nausea and vomiting in the morning.

Would you like to try out this theory, ladies? See, our sexy article here.
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