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Important Fact About Men Orgasm

You may already know about the female orgasm. But, what about the male orgasm. Consider some of the following information in order to more intimate relationship with her husband.

Fact male orgasm: orgasm make longevity

According to one study, as quoted from, orgasm make longer age. The facts found, orgasm helps reduce stress and create mental health is maintained. In fact, the scientists suggest at least a year a man must reach orgasm average of 100 times. Thus, the death rate of men will decrease in number.

Fact male orgasm: they can fake an orgasm

Please note that it is not only women who can fake orgasm, men also. Orgasm and ejaculation are two different things. Ejaculation can happen even if he has not reached orgasm. However, at each orgasm, ejaculation is also achieved because at that time the prostate secrete fluid via mr. P.

Fact male orgasm: asleep after having sex

Generally, women will fall asleep about 20-30 minutes after intercourse. While men fall asleep more easily than women. If you observe, less than 5 minutes they will be asleep.

Do not get angry when he does so. Actually, the hormone oxytocin is the one who caused it.

Fact male orgasm: the man had a puberty

And in fact men have peak periods where in the current age of 20s he would feel sexual desire enormous. Difficult to resist and generally can feel orgasm for several times a day. Each orgasm on average will last for 30 seconds.

Fact male orgasm: momentary amnesia

Believe it or not, an orgasm can cause momentary amnesia. In fact, sometimes a person can forget who he was, and is doing what. This turned out to be a natural occurrence, where orgasm causes great stress on the brain and trigger a momentary amnesia. Relax, this is not going to happen for a long time.

Thats the facts of male orgasm. See our sexy article here.

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