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Should Be Force When Husband Are Not In Mood ?

Tired or there is a problem on erectile ability could make him reluctant to have sex. However, when the wife wanted to have sex, what should he do? Force to meet the wishes of his wife or reject it?

"Be honest with couples but still say the reason you are reluctant to have sex gently. Ask her sense if you are tired, under stress, or there are other problems," sex expert Debby Herbenick, PhD say.

Moreover, if there are problems related to erectile function of men, Herbenick recommends that open and forthright man. Because, by doing so, either the husband or wife can work together to find solutions to the erection masala experienced by men, such as erectile dysfunction

Herbenick says do not forget for a husband to his wife promise that in the next night, the sex session would be more exciting and enjoyable. Therefore, he stressed that a good intimate relationship that is approved by both parties.

Sexual health observer said that a healthy sexual relationship should be made when the condition husband or wife in a state fit, on a common will, and does not interfere with the daily routine.

"Keep in mind also that sexual desire (libido) is determined by the physical fitness and tranquility psychic. Clearly, when the body is suffering from a chronic disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or mind being uncomfortable (stress), will make libido decreased," Dr. Andri said.

Meanwhile, the family and marriage therapist Michele Weiner Davis suggested when the husband refuses to have sex, the wife could be active again. Instead of the husband invites a fight or blame, ask what the thing that made it reluctant to have sex. If because there is a physical problem with the husband, the wife can help overcome the urge to exercise together, or, if necessary, could take her husband to the doctor.

"Alternatively, the husband give books that can describe the problems that made him reluctant to have sex. Thus, the husband is more open mind and he could be more receptive to 'help' you," Michele suggested said.
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