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Here is the thing to do before sex

Here is the thing to do before sex

To add to the pleasure sex, you should first do the following before you start a hot session with him. Here's the thing to do before sex.

Clean Hand and Body

We recommend that you wash your hands and body before having sex with a partner. Make sure the nail and the skin is cleaned of dirt, as well as your partner. It is important to prevent the transfer of germs from your hands or other body parts into Miss Cheerful and Mr. Happy.


Presence of hair in intimate areas is vital to prevent the entry of bacteria into Miss Cheerful also Mr. Happy. So, Shave little fine hair down there so you can get more pleasure during lovemaking.

Select The Seductive Fragrances

Fragrances can excite your sex and your partner. Choose a perfume with a touch of floral and woody and herbs that are proven to make him turn on. Do not forget this seductive fragrance spray at some point in your body kiss ya.

Comfortable atmosphere

Make sure the atmosphere around you is quite comfortable and safe so that you can perform sex activity without disturbing anyone. If you are in the room, try turning on the air conditioner and change the bedding. Oh yes, the dim lighting could also add to the pleasure of making love, you know.

Do Your Natural Makeup

Just enough natural makeup with makeup powder, blush and a touch of gloss on your lips to look radiant and supple certainly when kissed by him. It goes without makeup tubs want to party because he does not like the makeup that is too thick.
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