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This is the meaning of sex dreaming

One of the strange dream yet experienced by many people in the world is when they dream of having sex or romantic dream. In fact, sometimes in dreams, people who have sex with us is not a partner.

Well, want to know what your sex dreams? Reporting from Womansday, there are many trends and the factors that cause a person to experience the dream of having sex. And this is the meaning of sex dreaming:

Intimate With Same-Sex

Dream like this pretty much happens, generally due to the proximity with the figure of a friend. This dream did not indicate sexual orientation you are, unless you have a similar relationship with the real world.

Dream About Men in the Past

This can happen when you see people who remind you of the former or existing small trigger that makes you remember old memories. It is not uncommon in women. It could be because they remember past glories can be young or you're repeating the same mistakes in the past.

The figure of the worship Dream About You

These dreams indicate a loss in a relationship. You look for the emotional quality in intimate relationships, not just intercourse that can satisfy your passion with one another.

Dream About Husband People

This kind of dream, then Dr. Hebenick also said that there is a tendency us to imagine how to have a husband like figure of the woman's husband. All you need is to re-evaluate your passion on your personal relationship with your husband. Perhaps there are things that make you not satisfied with your husband or you have expectations that do not correspond to reality.

Dreams With Husband, But Looks Different

According to Dr. Herbenick, highlight the kind of dream less appropriate sense in marriage. Perhaps your relationship with the hubby was a little saturated or get stuck in a routine. It is suggested that we are more open and improve the quality of communication with her husband. Since, however, even though we live together with our loved ones and know anything about him, there's always another mystery that we do not yet know.
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