fibroids miracle

Breast changes during menstruation

Each month, the woman must menstruate. Especially if there is no fertilization in their womb. And breast changes during menstruation.

Well, when menstruation occurs then it is likely there will be a variety of changes in her body both physically and emotionally. One of the most looks and feels is a change in the breast.

Curious about what's happening at the moment ahead of menstruation a woman's breast? Here is the answer.

One of the most noticeable changes for women in her breast when menstruation is pain ahead. The pain occurs because of changes in the hormone estrogen that one consequence will make your breasts become more sensitive so it is very painful, especially when touched.

In addition to pain, if you look carefully, you will find that your breast size to be larger than usual. This change occurs because there is fluctuation in hormones that make fat glands in the breast expands.

Feel softer
Not only from the size, texture of the breast became softer. Again, changes in breast texture softer than it usually is caused by hormonal changes.

So, if you often experience breast changes like the above when PMS? Well, do not worry because this change is not dangerous.
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