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measuring the woman's sex drive through 14 parts of the body

It has long appeared assumption, physical forms part of the female body can be to measure the levels of sexual arousal.

Well, here's 14 physical form in women, which if describe his passion during lovemaking.

1. Lips Sensual
Women who have had the ability sensual lips oral sex great. He was active in the bed and tends to dominate their partner during sex.

2. Body Hunchback Shrimp
Women who have a body stooped shrimp very durable. Strong and fast rocking orgasm.

3. Lush Hair, Small Breasts
This includes both women and faithful. Although sexual desire does not stand out, but he was able to compensate for his partner. If her partner treat her lovingly, she could be the woman that excites. But, he is likely to be attracted to the kind of lesbian women.

4. Body and Lip Thickness
This woman was classified as reserved. He was passive in bed and do not care about the partner. Her partner need patience, because basically it could be a fun couple.

5. Small Waist, Hips Large
This woman was mediocre in bed. He was not a connoisseur of sex and more concerned with domestic affairs and the future of their children. He is the type of a good wife, faithful and steadfast in the face of problems.

6. Accuses Moderate, Eyes Round
These women have less sex drive. He was too monotonous, there is no desire to improve skills and learn how to enjoy sex. Sex for him like an obligation, so that many spouses are disappointed.

7. Thin Lips, Eyebrow Thickness
Physically, she is very attractive. But personally, he was not a cheerful woman, tend pemuram and pessimistic. He is more often sullen than laughing and smiling. No wonder that he looked older than his age. In terms of romance, it is not as attractive appearance.

8. Large Breasts, Round Face
This woman is a faithful, devoted to her partner, even willing to not care about their partner had an affair. These women belong to a spouse cold. He had had enough and peace that satisfied his material needs.

9. Fine Feathers in the Body
Women who have fuzz on the body have sex surge passionate and very strong in the preparation of romance

10. Body Tiny and Solid
This woman was petite and very astute and intelligent solid while doing attractions in bed. He also does not easily succumb to the attacks carried out his partner.

11. Long Neck, Mouth Width
This woman is a type of a good friend. He was forthright if you do not like, though her love making cool if her partner did not catch his desire. These women would rather give sign language, so that the man should be sensitive and responsive.

12. Long Legs, Small Chest
This woman sex is low, but he was friendly, polite and intelligent speech. But about romance, women tend to be cold, even frigid. Her partner is often made irritated and annoyed because of it.

13. Eagle Eye and Neck length
This woman is like a hawk ready to pounce. Similarly in sexual life, women who have these characteristics will always pounce partner beforehand.

14. Dimples Pipit
That said, this woman is hard lasting marriage because she is attracted to other men. In matters of the bed, dimpled woman is not easy to get satisfaction.
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