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What Will You Do When Your P Size Doesn't Make She Comfort ?

The size of penis size is relative. Although, there are also contesting wife when the husband is considered the size of the penis is too big, or too small.

When that happens and really felt by his wife, then it is fitting you say so to her husband, said Emily Morse, PhD, who also hosted the Sex With Emily. Plus, if the size of the penis is considered memegaruhi sex activity.

"Do not be embarrassed to overcome sexual problems experienced, especially if the husband's penis is too big or small and make your pain and can not enjoy sex," said Emily.

Because, according to Emily if the penis is too big or small and unable to please her in bed during sexual intercourse takes place, there are many things that can be done by the husband. For example, more use of the fingers or mouth when stimulating wife.

However, that does not mean the husband is not allowed to perform penetration with his penis that are considered 'mini' is. However, by making the wife passion passionate first, the penetration will be easier to do and peluan iatri get an orgasm could be greater.

So, what if the problem is the size of the penis is too big?

"Use a lubricant that more and doing sex session slowly. For the position, you should use a woman on top because then women can adjust the depth of penetration. It can also apply position man on top, but it needs control of the husband that the penetration is done with caution "Emily message.
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