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How You Can Get Syphilis ?

Syphilis or more often called the king of the lions, is a bacterial infection usually spread through sexual contact. The disease is characterized by an incredible pain in the genitals, rectum or mouth. Syphilis is spread from person to person through skin or mucous membrane contact with the wound.

Having experienced this infection, syphilis bacteria will lie dormant in the body for decades before being active again. Early detection can make the disease disebuhkan only with one shot of penicillin.
However, if left untreated, syphilis can damage the heart, brain or other organs and even cause death.

What can make you infected with syphilis?

- The cause of syphilis is a bacterium called Treponema pallidum. The most common transmission occurs through contact with a person infected with syphilis during sexual activity.
- Treponema pallidum can also enter the body through small cuts or abrasions in the skin or mucous membranes.
- Syphilis can also be spread through activities such as kissing or through an infected mother to her baby during pregnancy or childbirth

However Syphilis can not be spread through the use of the same toilet, bathtub, clothes, tableware, doorknobs, swimming pools or hot tubs.

What are the symptoms of syphilis?

People infected with syphilis might find the following signs:

- Groin: painful sores, wounds, ulcers or wart growth, especially on the genitals
- Skin: rash, small bumps or ulcers
- Whole body: fatigue, fever or malaise

Some people also find signs such as infection, itching, sores, rashes on the palms of the hands and feet, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, vaginal pain, weight loss, or inflammation of the lining of the rectum.
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