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Reading Sex Style Through Woman Hair

Woman's hair is a crown. Not only as a crown, the hair is also an important asset that can indicate a person's characteristics and behavior. But, did you know that hair type can describe your sex style. Well, try this personality analysis fuck you peep through this hairstyle.

1. Hair parsed

This style is most natural and confident. This reflects the confidence that you figure in the bed. You are natural and easy going toward sex. You are someone who can tease in bed, your partner will treat you as you treat hairs that decomposes beautiful.

2. Horse Tail Hair

Horse tail hair shows an optimistic person and have a vision. Such a figure would not be much different from the decomposed hair, which has the confidence and strength on the bed. Need attention to them because if one bit, can directly reduce mood on the bed.

3. Style bun Up

If you are happy wearing her hair up with Korean-style model that is currently much in vogue, then you are a man's attention and towing their attention. You show silhouette neck and neck which can give the impression of a beautiful and sexy. Usually people like this want sex with a situation that has been prepared well and memorable exclusive.

4. Joy of Doing Hair Styling

If you like to do hair styling almost every day, then you are the type who does not like to be controlled. You could be the person who will dominate in bed. However, sometimes you also need to follow the rules so as not to impress your partner selfish
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