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Eccentric Tricks In Order Not To Get Bored Fuck

Making love is like saying "all roads lead to Rome" which may be interpreted by, many ways to make sexual activity more interesting and fun for the sake of achieving the satisfaction of making love.

According to sex expert Ian Kerner, having sex anywhere other than the bedroom can make a person more excited to enjoy great sex. "It's a lot of techniques you try, the more you know about your own body, which means it is easier to orgasm," adds Kerner.

Well, here are some tricks that are somewhat 'eccentric' that you can try to increase your sex drive and make your sex activity is not boring.

Body Brushing Couple
Shelley Green in his book 'Quickies: The Handbook of Brief Sex Therapy' suggest to your partner's body with a soft brush when he let go of clothing. Lambut fluffy brush can be used to stimulate the points excitatory him before touching your skin.

"You can start from his hands, shoulders, chest, abdomen and then move to the vital areas. Touch the bristles on its skin would make me shudder. And when you replace the touch with the hand, tongue or lips he will feel different sensations and extraordinary pleasure, "added Shelley.

Stimulate with Blowing Breath
Yvonne K. Fulbright, author of Pleasuring: The Secrets to Sexual Satisfaction 'declared "One of the causes of sex only a mere routine and boring, because it can be done anytime they want. Yet human beings like things a bit challenging. "

So that sex does not become a boring activity, Yvonne suggests that you explore your partner's body tanap touched first. Enough with the breath and mischievous eyes. Smell the body naturally. You hold your breath on the sensitive areas that could make him shudder without touching it.

When the passion you've peaked and equally want great sex, hug your partner immediately and be prepared to enjoy sex is really devastating for the rest of your life.

Spiderman kiss
Still remember the Spiderman movie, starring Tobey Maguire? There is one scene that is quite romantic and the public's attention at the time. That is when Spiderman hanging over Mary Jane kissing under.

Well, this style you can try to get a more challenging variation kiss. But, you do not have to dangle like Spiderman! You can try it while sitting or lying down, better in bed, bathroom, or other places that could arouse your sexual desire.

"Over time, the sensation of a kiss is reduced and faster. Kissing in a different way, to be more challenging than usual," said Kerner.

Place the Large Mirror in Bedroom
Glass can help more lively atmosphere, especially when you want to experiment, put the glass on the side of your bed and positioned correctly so that when you have sex with your partner can see the reflection both in the glass clearly.

The reflection in the glass during sex makes you as if they were watching a movie and you both are the main actor.

Good luck. And do not hesitate to always experimenting with your sexual life.
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