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Five Things Which Make Men Fall In Love

Women often wondered, what makes a man fall in love? No wonder also see intelligent man, cool, handsome woman who fancies mediocre. Is it true that men are more interested in beautiful women, sexy, fragrance and so on? Hmm .. not really.

Similar With Mother

Do not underestimate the closeness of a man with his mother. Many men are looking for a mother figure when dealing with women. It is run by natural might not even be recognized by the man. Not having to face a similar, could demeanor, soft voice, or her expertise while cooking.

Symmetrical face

Many studies have shown that a person with the right and left symmetrical faces more attractive. Naturally and instinctively, many people who prefer to mate with symmetrical faces. According to scientists, symmetrical faces signifying physical health. Do not need a pretty good-looking, that is an important form of eye, nose and jaw the same right-left covertly steal the hearts of men.

Body Aroma Natural and Gen

Natural scent called pheromone has long been known as the scent that can attract the opposite sex. This is not how fragrant your perfume or expensive, because your natural scent is more appealing to most men. In addition, pheromone genes can identify whether the relationship is close or far away. Naturally, one would avoid contact with people who have similar genes.

Love At The First Sight

Not too precise if a woman is often blamed experiencing love first sight. Based on research, it is the men who most often interested in women since the first sight. When viewing women they think are interesting, the right part of the male brain will react. Effects of love first sight is like taking drugs, intoxicating.

Strong feelings

The feeling of love is certainly the reason why a man in love. Although many men do not want to be honest about this, but they also want a lot of things from a woman, including a feeling to want to be loved back. Many men think that commitment is the loss of freedom. The strong feelings of love they were going to take the man into the relationship smooth, even up to the wedding.

Now you no longer curious is not it? Little world of men has been revealed here.
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