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How to Seduce girlfriend who have Misbehaving

Sometimes we often been confused because suddenly cranky girlfriend is not clear. Conversation was fine immediately turned into bland because do'i sullen continue. Must how ?

Cranky girlfriend's face is tricky. You must be careful, do not let him sulk continued and finally asked to break up. You should be able to keep your attitude and behavior, especially when there is him.Cranky attitude is usually indicated by angry, silent, sullen, and immediately hung up abruptly. If it is done by your girlfriend, it's a sign that he is cranky with you. To get him back, you have to be very clever to seduce him.

Here's how to seduce boyfriend Misbehaving: 

1. Praise her appearance

Currently cranky girlfriend, the first thing you need to do is apologize. After that, you can flirt with praising his performance. For example, "you are more beautiful if more sullen deh so" or "do not sulk so dong, beautiful later reduced know". Do not forget to keep a smile that he was also a smile. 

2. Gifts sorry
 If the apology is not enough, you can seduce boyfriend by giving gifts, like chocolate. Tell him, you give this gift as a token of apology you to him. For example, "said the chocolate is sweet, but to me there is nothing sweeter in addition senyumu. Come smile dong, do not frown so ". 
3. Flirt humor

So that the atmosphere is not tense, you can seduce seduction girlfriend with humor. Once you're sorry, you can insert a few sentences of humor that can make him laugh. For example, "yesterday, chicken neighbor hit by a car because of sullen".

4. Do not contrary to her

Currently cranky girlfriend, you better just relented. It is intended that this problem is not getting worse. "Yeah okay, I admit wrong. Do not sulk so dong, I die ya if you do not smile anymore ". Turn off the phone point.

5. Touching hearts

In addition to sentences that can entertain hearts rag girlfriend, you can also use sentences that touch the heart. Make her feel touched by your words so that he could forgive you or even turn around to apologize with you.

Seduce girlfriend not to sulk again is not easy. But, you do not easily discouraged if you still love him.
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